Thursday, January 20, 2011

distinctively different.

Distinctively different.  These are the words that inspire me today.  Justin and I are joining Brentwood Baptist Church and attended a membership class last night.  The focus was living distinctively different, so others will see Christ in you and know you are different.  Of course when God wants to grab our attention, he puts little reminders all around us.  Therefore the Daily Verse went right along with this...
God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.'" - Exodus 3:14
Imagine having the kind of confidence God showed in this passage; when asked who He was, He simply said, "I am." Be confident in who you are - the "I AM" lives in you. 

Today think of the things you enjoy and characteristics that make you uniquely you.  Live each day with intention - creating the life YOU love. Do people know you are different?  

Here are some books I enjoy that will help inspire you to live distinctively and with style and grace. 

What Would Jackie Do? : An Inspired Guide to Distinctive Living by Shelly Branch and Sue Callaway
The next best thing to having Jackie O as a personal advisor, What Would Jackie Do? reveals the practical wisdom behind an icon and gives all readers a piece of the Jackie mystique, be it of the heart, the mind, or the home.

Also try What Would Audrey Do? : Timeless Lessons for Living with Grace and Style by Pamela Keogh 
In an era fraught with selfishness, artifice, and sensational headlines, the reality and tranquility of Audrey is precisely what the world needs now.

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Go be distinctively different!