Sunday, December 2, 2012

Where has the time gone....

So much has happened since my last post in May 2011.  Sometimes you need sickness to slow you down, make you be still, rest and regroup.  In the past year and a half my life has completely changed.  In May 2011, work was stressful so I had to take from blogging, simply because of time. In August 2011 we found out we would be having a little miracle in nine months! As you can imagine, I had many other priorities to prepare for knowing life would never be the same. Asher Dennis Moses arrived May 3, 2012. Motherhood has changed my heart and soul forever.  If I thought I didn't have time to blog before because I was "stressed" -ha!  Justin has been an amazing partner and dad.  Nursing came very natural (thank you Lord for this blessing, as it is something we prayed about). I know nursing isn't for everyone, but it was very important to me.  It is such a commitment that you have to stay focused.  I was able to be at home with Asher for three months with maternity leave (thank you Healthways!).  In August it was time to go back to work and take Asher to daycare.  We did Baby Wise and it was a life saver for our sanity.  Asher was sleeping through the night, so it made going back to work much easier.  Asher adjusted to daycare nicely and now is already in the Infant Two mom's friend gave me a piece of wonderful advice- she said, "the days are long, but the years are fleeting, so enjoy every moment." It is so true- Asher will be crawling any day now.  He rolled over in September, sat up and got his first tooth in October.  He amazes us each and everyday.  In October I had to have surgery.  My sweetest Granddaddy Henderson had Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) , a potentially lethal disease of the heart, is characterized by a thickened heart muscle, in which the muscle fibers have become jumbled and tangled. This overdeveloped heart muscle is less efficient at pumping blood throughout the body. Although HCM primarily affects the thickness of the heart muscle, the electrical activity of the heart may also be affected, which can lead to abnormal heart rhythms or even sudden death.  Unfortunately my mom and I inhereited the gene. With this said, my cardiologist thought it would be best to have an ICD implanted in case my heart ever needed a jump start.  It was a nice relief to have this surgery over and done with.  Also in October I had other companies pursuing my recruiting skills.  It was bittersweet to leave Healthways, but I felt called to take a leap of faith and lead recruiting, building processes and a team from the ground up.  Looking back, I think I was so emotional with going back to work, the surgery and this new chapter...I am not sure I was thinking 100% clearly. 

So here it is- December (already?!- how did that happen?) and I am sick in bed with thoughts flooding my mind. It was through reading a few other blogs that I got inspired. Inspired to get to the new heart and soul of Emily MOM Moses.  My priorities are different. What is it that I want to do with this beautiful life I have been blessed with? Lately I have felt so overwhelmed. I realized it is because I haven't been turning to God first. I am trying to carry all the weight.  Now I pray- "Lord, I am nothing without you." Make me whole, make me joyful, guide my decisions, let Justin and I be the light in Asher's world. 

I always appreciate the month of December- it brings us back to Christ. Truly. It is a time to focus on what matters and create a plan and goals for the New Year. Right now what matters most to me is Christ. Since I am nothing without Him (I have definitely felt this as of late). I want to use this blog in a different way. Each week I can use it as my time with Him while hopefully ministering to others through it.  The rest will come- working out again (now that I can...ahhh), getting the job thing figured out and the adjustment and challenges of a startup, being the best wife and mom I can be.  Justin deserves an award for all he has done this year.

A brief recap in pictures:

Here's to December, Christ,  new chapters, and making the most out of this incredible journey.

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